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Авторы            Серии

Кружево России: Вологодское кружево. Альбом. (на английском языке) - Сорокина М.

Lace of Russia. Vologda Lace. Al'bom. (na angl. iaz.)

Сорокина М. (Sorokina M.)

SERIA: Masterpieces of Russian Folk Art

Type : Books

SKU: 160814
ISBN: 9785891640733

Pages: 128
Cover: Hardcover
Year: 2001
Publisher: Interbuk-biznes, M (Interbuk-biznes, M)

Your Price: $29.95

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Vologda has always been one of the main centres of Russian lace tatting, and in the 19th century it became the most famous one. It was that time when lace-makers began to lace patterns in the form of wonderful stars and snowflakes. Vologda lace reminds of hoarfrost on winter glass, which will disappear under the first rays of the March sun. It looks like a thin spider line, which will be torn by a waft of wind. They are like symbols of something innocent and momentary. Like a madonna lily, Vologda lace could become a symbol of innocence.

Малаева Замира
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Крестовская Н., Вышар Н.
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Иванова Оксана
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Максимчук Л.В
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Loputyn (Чоффи Дж.)
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Кушнир А.И.
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Чоффи Дж.
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Грачев Ю.
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Грачева Е.
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